One of the most rewarding things happened the other day. A friend told me that she and her husband made the decision to join the USCG because of me. Well, in a way it was because of me. She said she had been reading a blog I started a few years ago, (also known as Waiting for Ships) which has now become the CGFO blog.
She enjoyed the blog and what she read and encouraged her husband to join the CG. I am sure there was much more to it than that, but I was so moved and giddy inside that this is mostly what I took away from it.
Can you imagine how great that feels? To know I started something, a simple something, and it so directly impacted a family’s life? I am hopeful that as she and her husband are surrounded by great moments and opportunities as continue their Coast Guard journey. They recently PCSd away from where I currently live and I am honored to have gotten to know them and befriend them. Fair winds and following seas my friends.
Wow, very cool! What an amazing feeling that must be! It's amazing how something that you do because you love it can directly make a difference for others!