Great things happen all at once it seems!
For those of you who know I've found it difficult to break into the working arena in my new area, the great news is, I've been successful (finally!). I guess I'll have to update that latest HUN article. A terrific firm invested in me and hired me on for more than just contracted legal work that I have been doing here and there as a freelancer.
Great back-to-work-news aside, I am thrilled to say that, we at Coast Guard Family Organization, Inc. having been looking ahead at the redesign of our website. My wonderful friend, terrific supporter, and Vice President of the organization, Amber Broadway, is also our Marketing Director. We are looking at some nifty options to make the site more engaging for you and also to intertwine some language options. Most readers, in other Nations, and if you have your settings right on your computer can view us in their respective language, but we are hoping to bring a quick and easy translator to you right at your fingertips for those of you who don't have the options right there on your screen already. We are also bringing back our blog and will have some great stories and life experiences from varied CG spouses.
Military Spouse Mentoring is bringing on some contributing writers as well. Our newest writer will be Amy Granillo, a well-versed business woman who is also a military spouse. We are also communicating with various mentoring programs around the country to further develop what we already have in place.
This past week, I was contacted by a collegiate department, that collaborates with Dr. Jill Biden on education matters, about how we can possibly work together to merge the things I am doing to benefit our military children with what they are working on. Is that not amazing!?! To say that I am thrilled is a gross understatement.
What change do you want to see? How can I get you the resources you need and what can I help with? Let me know! I might not have the answer, but chances are, I might know someone who does.
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