Saturday, April 14, 2012

Advocating for liberties.

To positively move forward, one must not condemn or the status quo. Focusing on how to improve things WITH suggested solutions is vital to progress. In making efforts to propose change for military families, I have been keep that in mind - it's my mantra, if you will. I have always been of the mindset that negativity begets negativity. So rather than focus on "what's wrong", I shift my focus to what is right and how can it be improved. Really, this is a good rule to follow in our day-to-day life. It's just that simple.

For example, our great Nation affords us liberties that others around the world are not so fortunate to enjoy. Given that, we must hone in on our right to make proposals, challenge existing procedures and laws, vote, and support those who need advocating.

The Fourteenth Amendment states, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." (Source: U.S. Constitution,

The positive: No laws currently exist that expressly abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens who are military dependents.

HOWEVER, no law protects military dependents from discrimination.

Proposal for Change: to raise awareness on the issue of military dependent discrimination. Further, to aggressively seek state and federal support to provide equal opportunities for military dependents; to ultimately prohibit discrimination of military dependents.

In continued efforts to move for progress on this and related matters, I have been communicating with DOD officials, U.S. Senators, and various military support agencies and organizations to promote change. You can help too! Read on...

Military spouses, members and dependents, you are welcome to participate in a survey concerning discrimination in the employment and education arenas. Please spread the word, your support is appreciated. This survey may be done anonymously. Results will be compiled for a report in effort to further support military spouses, members, their children and other dependents. SURVEY (if the link doesn't work, cut and paste this into your web browser

Additionally, you can submit questions, stories, statistics, or whatever else you have on this topic to

Friday, March 23, 2012

You are powerful!

Change cannot happen when one sits sedentary unwilling to help themselves. Recently, I was asked about an organization I volunteer for, and this came to mind. In a nutshell, I described some of my work, as spoon feeding available information to the masses. I am not trying to deprecate the importance of what we do. Rather, you see, I am not, nor is my team, omniscient.

We are just ordinary people who seek information, share resources and deliver it as effectively and expeditiously as we can to help others. You can too! Get involved. It’s that simple. You will be amazed as to how much awesome information, helpful resources and fantastic contacts with which to network and possibly befriend come your way when you open your eyes to what is right in front of you, or at least at your fingertips.

That’s right; you there, sitting at your computer screen, you have POWER. You are so powerful and you don’t even know it.

You have the power to change your individual circumstances. You have the power to move forward. You have the power to positively impact the community around you. Above and beyond all that, you have the power to change the world.

Grand developments and much-needed solutions are born from the simplest of things. Plato said once, (I’m well known for reiterating this) that: necessity is the mother of invention. After all, we wouldn’t create things needlessly. Well, I suppose we could and we do, but it’s not worth our while.

In essence, whatever troubles you or afflicts your life more than likely encumbers another person. So, to quote another inspiring individual: Be the change you want to see in the world (Mahatma Gandhi). Sometimes that world is just made up of you, but you can change it for the better if you make the effort. Don’t wait for someone else to do it for you!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Look on the bright side.

When my spouse is deployed life certainly kicks into fast paced high gear. With three little ones running in various different directions you can imagine things can become overwhelming pretty rapidly. What I need to remember, that all military spouses need to remember is to breathe. Take a moment or two or a day for yourself if you are able. The burdens of parenthood, married life and the military all mixed together can be triply overpowering if you are not cautious.

I am talking about this today for two reasons. One is to remind myself to be good to myself. The second reason is to tell those of you out there who suffer from various conditions that it is okay to hurt and slow down but to remember you are still breathing and can still make the most of your days by looking at alternatives and knowing it could be worse. I will add this caveat that I know some things are easier said than done and I don’t purport to understand every ailment out there or how it affects you. Just consider this my perspective on looking on the bright side.

I suffer from a back condition to put it in simple terms. Add to that arthritis runs in my family and my doctors have said that some of my joint pain comes from the hereditary arthritis.

As of late, pain has kicked into high gear lately, coming more frequently than in the past few years, and ibuprofen and water (I know you military folks will laugh at that) are sometimes my best friends because with little kids at home and a life to live I cannot be taking strong pain meds, especially if my spouse is deployed. The pain can be extreme at times, just last week I was back in urgent care having it checked out because it was so horrible. Though, I am better off than most largely able to maneuver through my days and keep up with my kids. However, I have had a lot of off days in the past few months.

I was serving on active duty in the Marines when I was diagnosed with degenerative spondylolisthesis. It crushed me that I had to leave active duty. I cannot even tell you how much. I loved my job. I was good at it. I was damn good. I fully intended on a career in the Marines. More than that, this condition disrupted my life in a number of ways. I have always been a dancer, and I love to run. After trying to slowly get back into dance, in 2008 I hung up my dancing shoes for the last time because try as I might, the pain kept coming back. I am hopeful that one day I can return to the stage, but for now my health is something I need to focus on for my family. After all, I cannot be chasing after three kids if I am laid up in my bed. I can run every now and again, but certainly not like I used to be able to. Again, there are good days and bad days.

Why am I telling you all of this? Because I know that others out there have debilitating conditions that keep them from enjoying life to the fullest. My great uncle was home on military years and years ago, long before I was born, when he was in a terrible accident that crippled him for life. He became a quadriplegic and was wheelchair bound for the rest of his life.

I will never forget what an inspiration he was to me. He used to write to me and tell me how proud he was that I was serving. When he found out about my diagnosis, he wrote me an email and told me to not give up and to keep staying as active as I could because I was better off than him. He was right.

Every time I feel a twinge of pain, I try to focus on that. I am not a hero by any means. In fact, I can be an awful big baby when it comes to the pain. Still, I remember my late Uncle Roland and his words and his legacy. He was just one of those people who smiled through it all and said it could always be worse.

So, today as I sit here and type this, then stand up, shift my hips and move around while trying to type this I remind you and myself that it’s all about position. If you find yourself saying, I cannot do this because I am hurting or this is not comfortable, try a different approach, switch positions, shift your perspective. You can make the most of your days and you should. Don’t let anything get you down. Your time and talents and spirit are valuable and the world needs to know you. Let them know you and that you can conquer whatever ails you.

Friday, February 24, 2012

An Incredible Team.

I am joining a team of amazing military spouses who have given back so much to our greater military community. I am honored to consider many of those in the MSOY family my friends already including the likes of Chelle McIntyre Brewer, Lori Bell, Mona Hatfield, Erin Whitehead, Megan Quinn Glynn, Crystal Cavalier, Laura Vanderwerf and Bianca Stralkowski (just to name a few and there are so many others)! These women are phenomenal and if you ever get a chance to talk with them, do! Listen, watch and learn by the example of citizenship and sacrifice they provide.

Military Spouse Magazine’s founder, Babette Maxwell, has created more than a title, and more than a magazine, but rather a welcoming community for all military spouses to do more and be more and to inspire more! This amazing platform she has created in the Military Spouse of the Year program empowers us to continue to do and give back to our peers and their families.
I am thrilled to be able to say that I get to work with some other outstanding individuals this year. They are my fellow branch winners: Jeremy Hilton (U.S. Air Force), El Brown (U.S. Army), Stephanie Geraghty (U.S. Marine Corps), Erin Strasburger (U.S. Navy), and Christine Gilbreath (U.S. National Guard).

Not only is Jeremy a fellow military veteran, but he has done some amazing things to support our exceptional and special needs families. I think he could quite literally move mountains if you ask him.

El Brown’s spirit just comes alive in all that I see about her. I haven’t even met her yet and I am invigorated by her passion for life and all that she does!

Stephanie’s fire emanates from her video as does her dedication to her program. She is quite obviously a go-getter! I think she can do so much with her energy and has already exhibited that she can.

Erin shares a lot of my interests and volunteer type of work so I know we will hit it off. Her compassion and dedication in her charitable work is quite admirable. I don’t know how she finds enough hours in the day to do what she does!

Last but certainly not least, Christine is a seasoned military spouse and also a fellow military veteran. She has given enormous amounts of her valuable time to work as a FRG leader and I am eager to chat with her about the Women’s Second Chance program and how I can help.

Please take the time to view all of their inspiring profiles and read about them and what they are doing to support our community at:

These folks are doing big things to support to others while they hold down their respective homefronts. That is not an easy task! I applaud them all and I am humbled to be in their company. I cannot wait to join forces with them and learn from them and how we can support you all together as one awesome team!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Building Capacity

I just had a terrific conference call with the head of Building Capacity. I cannot wait to bring what I have learned to the masses and further support not only our local school district, but enhance what is already being done around the country.

Do you know if your school is receiving IMPACT Aid? Is your school benefitting from DODEA Grants? If not, contact me at and let's chat.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whirlwind of Opportunities

Life has been on fast forward these days. I am elated to announce that I was chosen as the 2012 Coast Guard Spouse of the Year. This is a tremendous honor and I cannot even put into words how amazing this is. I am humbled by the support I have received and by the work I am able to do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I am passionate about serving military families, and it's as simple as that. No matter where this journey takes me, I will continue doing what I do. Just to give you an idea of how I feel about serving military families, I wrote this out. I wanted to elaborate in my video, but because time is short and I was rather nervous on camera, I wrote it out. My video hits the main points and explains what I am already working on, in sum, but there is MORE. There is a lot of day to day, behind the scenes stuff that I don't share with folks, but here on this blog, I will elaborate more and more. But,'s what I envision about what I am doing now and what I intend to do as the 2012 Coast Guard Spouse of the Year and possibly the 2012 Military Spouse of the Year:

I am honored to be the 2012 Coast Guard Spouse of the year. I am proud also to be the founder of Coast Guard Family Organization and Military Spouse Mentoring. I created Coast Guard Family Organization, Inc., because Coast Guard families are often excluded Department of Defense programs like Military One Source as the Coast Guard falls under the Department of Homeland Security. My other main organization is Military Spouse Mentoring. This mentoring program was born from an idea to connect military spouses from all walks of life regardless of branch affiliation to help one another in the areas of education, career plans, parenting and navigating military life among many other things. But, this is not about me and what I have done. This is about our military families. This platform allows for those of us who volunteer our time a stronger voice to be heard for positive change and progressive impact.

Congressional budget cuts are on the rise and because of that military family programs face an uncertain future. I will continue to work hard to keep existing programs in tact and gain support for an all encompassing military family bill to further provide for military family benefits, which would also address military retirement. At this point, we need to cut through the bureaucratic red tape to save heartache and money and allow for creative financing.

Another thing I want to talk about is my education focus. With my own children, I have noticed shortcomings in public school curricula from state to state and this is happening across the Nation affecting a myriad of other military families. Therefore, I am working to gain support of standardization for K-12 curricula or at least providing viable alternatives for our military students who are often advserly affected, academically, because of PCS moves.

Similarly, I have felt the strain of transferring credits and limited collegiate financing options that so many other spouses face and I am supporting every effort including the Military Spouse Education Initiative to see improvements in this area. Likewise, I will continue to work to gain support for universal reciprocity of certifications, licensures for all spouses regardless of their branch affiliation.

As a military spouse, veteran, and parent, I understand many of the obstacles military families face on a daily basis, whether it is navigating TRICARE, dealing with the VA, special needs or reinteigration, etc. I am well versed in a number of these areas and what I haven't encountered, I seek to better understand to support my peers and the military family at large.

No matter where this journey takes me next I will continue serving military families. Thank you for support and please vote for the nominee that you feel would best serve us all as Military Spouse of the Year.

Here's my latest and greatest video (don't laugh too hard, I told you I was nervous, this is a HUGE honor and I get a little shaky when it comes down to it, after all, I have wonderfully, big, great shoes to fill!). I have been running into a lot of trouble getting a video to upload, but finally had luck today! 2012 MSOY FINALIST VIDEO

In other news, this week, I will be speaking with the folks at Business and Professional Women's Foundation about partnering our mentoring programs! Yay for and I also have a scheduled conference with the folks at Building Capacity to discuss the K-12 education issues of our military students and what they are doing in working with Dr. Jill Biden and how I can help. This is all before Wednesday. Someone pinch me!